A Vision for Ward 3 and Lakewood
Low costs, low crime, low pollution, low poverty
. . . and a higher level of leadership.
Most Importantly - What Matters to You?
Do you have ideas or feedback on what’s important to you? I’d love to hear from you!
Please drop me a line at roger@lowforlakewood.com with your ideas and feedback!
**Update: Check out Roger and the other candidates discussing key issues in the September Lakewood Candidate Forum! Video is here! Roger’s section begins at minute 54:00.
Low Pollution: Prioritize Sustainability, Parks and Open Spaces
On City Council, we have a responsibility to prioritize sustainability and hold developers accountable to sustainable development.
I’ll support public transit, and planning to reduce traffic, noise, air pollution and congestion.
I’ll fight to preserve our parks and open spaces, one of my favorite things about Ward 3 & Lakewood.
I’ll push to reduce our carbon footprint, to give our kids and grandkids a better, cleaner Lakewood.
Low Costs: Affordable, Attainable Housing
We need more affordable and attainable housing options for families, seniors, and our unhoused neighbors.
Let’s take action in the face of skyrocketing rent. Let’s make sure our first responders, teachers, nurses and small business staffs don’t get priced out of Lakewood.
Let’s hold developers accountable for building housing that’s sustainable, and make sure everyone has an opportunity to thrive in our community.
Low Homelessness: Give Our Unhoused Neighbors An Opportunity and a Fair Shot
Let’s build permanent supportive housing that will help homeless Lakewood residents get off our streets, and save taxpayers money in the long run.
We need shelter, beds and housing options ASAP. Every winter cold snap is a crisis for our unhoused neighbors. Lakewood shouldn’t be a community where someone can freeze to death.
In the long run, we need co-located resource centers that include shelter, housing, job-training, and other services that allow folks to get back on their feet and thrive.
Low Crime: Keep Lakewood Safe through Effective, Evidence-Based Prevention
Let’s scale programs proven with evidence and data to reduce violent crime and theft, and keep our kids and families safe.
I’ll champion and work to expand after-school programs like the Boys and Girls Club, which feed and engage kids in our community, and is proven to reduce crime.
Low Poverty: Support Small Businesses and Effective Job Training
Lakewood should do as much as possible to support our local small businesses and struggling families in this turbulent economy, and create more opportunities for everyone.
We have exciting opportunities to continue revitalizing Belmar, and to support and work with small businesses across Ward 3.
I’ll bring my experience with job-training programs. I’ll prioritize training programs, backed by data, that connect learners with good jobs in high paying sectors, and help Lakewood employers meet their workforce needs with locally sourced talent.
A Higher Level Of Leadership
I’ve always believed politics and government brings out both the best and the worst in people.
I really believe government, at its best, is where we should stop shouting at each other, roll up our sleeves, and solve hard problems.
I’ve always enjoyed bringing people together and building consensus, through what my old boss Colorado Senator Michael Bennet used to call a “shared understanding of the facts.” I believe in data and evidence over divisive personal attacks. That’s the approach I’ll take in city council.